Cypher Figures NFTs

Grid of Figures
Cypher Figures x 15
Cypher Figures x 15

CypherPunks and Similar Figures

Minting Now. 2048 Genesis Collection NFTs of Cypherpunks and other figures on unique wallpaper backgrounds.

There are ~ 110 figures represented, with ~ 250 stylish, usually monochrome, images and 2048 wallpapers with unique background colours and shared designs. The images are x 1024 pixels square.

We pay homage to many who have helped build a better world. 

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Twitter —   @cypherfigures

Stargaze Minter  Marketplace

OpenSea/Arbitrum Minting Marketplace

Satoshi Nakamoto
Satoshi Nakamoto
Jae Kwon
Jae Kwon
Alan Turing
Alan Turing
Linus Torvalds
Linus Torvalds
Jillian York EFF
Jillian York EFF
Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein
Adam B Levine
Adam B Levine
Dr John Campbell
Dr John Campbell
John Gilmore
John Gilmore
Sherron Watkins, Eron
Sherron Watkins, Eron
Andreas Antonopoulos
Andreas Antonopoulos